About Druthers Collective

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Druthers Collective aims to create an inviting and welcoming space where you can relax and enjoy the experience, knowing you will leave feeling and being your best self. 

Our vision for Druthers Collective is to create a space, salon, and working environment that feels like home to everyone who visits. Beautiful hair and consistently great service make Druthers a great salon. But it’s the warm and inviting space, the kind and genuine people, and the strong sense of community that truly make Druthers a Collective. We want you to feel not just like a client but a valued member of our salon community.

Our spacious salon offers comfort and plenty of room to relax while we take care of you and your hair. Why not spoil yourself with breakfast or lunch from Chapter 2 next door?

Our focus on community extends into our salon and the design of our space. One example is our custom-built large central timber table that encourages conversation and connection. 

Dwight said, “Our team, guests, and community are our most important focus. When we care for, support, and develop our team, they can care for you and your hair.” 

At Druthers Collective, we are passionate and inspired. We love all things hair and people and believe that together, we can make your world and ours a happier place.

Making Our World A Happier Place

Being sustainable and putting the earth first is a huge priority of ours. So, we are extremely proud to be a “Sustainable Salon”! So, what does that mean? It means we recycle just about EVERYTHING in the salon! With the assistance of Sustainable Salons Australia, we are able to recycle hair, plastics, metals, paper, sharps, electrical, chemicals… and the list goes on! We collect and separate all waste in the salon, for SSA to collect and distribute to the relevant recycling organisations. Any money raised from recycling processes i.e. aluminium 

plants or the resale of copper from tools and electrical, goes to feeding the hungry via our friends at Oz Harvest! We can also donate your hair! Those tiny strands from your 5 weekly trim go straight to creating booms that are used do absorb oil spills in the ocean. Even more exciting is that we can donate ponytails to Variety Australia. These go towards making wigs for kids who need them! The work they do for our community and our planet is phenomenal! To get the complete low down and to see how your visit to a Sustainable Salon will impact the future, visit their website: http://sustainablesalons.org/